
Building & Managing

All about the team

Creating teams or enhancing them

Being a hands on practitioner means I know about which skills are required operationally and culturally. Just having fantastic 'Rock Star' designers isn't enough. It's about matching capability and competency within the culture you're trying to create. More often than not, organisations have a, 'perception' about what design does, let alone what a designer looks like.

Visibility of your teams output, as well it's processes is critical, especially when trying to get 'buy in' for new ways of working.

I'm very grateful to have been given the opportunity to build global teams, as well as introducing UX / Design thinking into organisations. It's a hugely rewarding aspect of what I do, and I'm very proud of the people I've worked with, and the role I've played in their own growth.

It's always about the people.

Building teams from scratch
Enhancing exiting teams
Introducing 'Design' into an organisation
Operational Management
Pastoral Management

Selling Design as a collaborative process

Communicating to the wider business is critical for demonstrating value and educating. "why we do what we do, and how".


Identifying need

Investigation of the ecosystem to see which skills are required and by what scale.

Producing role specifications

There's nothing worse for me than generic role descriptions. It makes the HR role harder, and gives a very poor impression to candidates.


I have developed a robust scalable process for interview that measures candidates at every touchpoint, and involves existing team members.


Irrespective of the outcome it's very important for me to feedback to the candidates.

Tooling & training


All the right kit

All the right kit

At HSBC we were the first to introduce MAC for Design.
This allowed us not only to upskill internally but hire experienced designers.
Focused training

Focused training

Introduction of Lean UX at HSBC
Working with small groups worked best to maximise delivery and operational capability.

Operational integration & Measurement

Example docs

Request for service - excerpt

Request for service flow -excerpt

How to request UX & Design resource to validate an initial concept.
This flow was used to show how integrating with Product and PMO helped save time and yield better outcomes.
Team status

Team status - excerpt

Snapshot of London team KANBAN introduced at HSBC. The fact that we made our internal status so visible, not only helped communication of what we did and why
but was quickly adopted by the business analysts who sat in the same area.