
Governance & standards

Creating a framework for Design

Executive sponsorship is critical for Design to bed into an organisation. There's a lot of change going on, and having the key decision makers at a Leadership level driving the message with you, as well as making the relevant introductions for you, so you can get on and demonstrate value, and gaining credibility is definitely the way to go.

That said, all those good intentions will get you nowhere unless you have an appropriate framework and governance that supports it.


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UX & Design Methodology

I produced this document to describe to the wider organisation which UX methods; quantitative and qualitative are available, what they are, and when best to utilise them.

There's also a section which further breaks down which methods to use dependant on the scale of the work being requested.

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UI Standards

The team worked together to produce this document.

When I arrived at Platts there was no document to define the digital rules for how Platts products would look and feel or behave. At this time this doc is still not complete but serves well as a benchmark for migration and new work.